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In 2019 I had a stroke and it was a huge wakeup call. I got serious about my health. I made some major changes in my diet. I knew if I wanted to live, come off the heart monitor, and no longer be pre-diabetic, I had a part to play.  During this time, I came across Clarissa Young. I saw the determination and drive. I had to join and learn from this group. It was just what I needed.
Carolyn Yancey

The story behind FAB.

Meet Chief Executive Operator and Owner of FAB, Clarissa Young.

Imprisoned in my own body at 515 Pounds.

Growing up I never imagined that I would see the day that I weighed 515 pounds, but I did. I am not really sure how my life spiraled out of control and I made it to this point. It just happened seems like.

There I was riddled with depression, limited mobility, and at a loss for hope. I was imprisoned in my own body.

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